At the time of I have had the National" opportunity, to converse an amateur with who asked me to compose an article on the quality the plumage.
Usually, I approach that subject with the white but that time I will try to approach the problem under different angles.
En termes généraux, il y a deux types différents de plumages, l'un est doux et généralement large et arrondi dans sa forme, l'autre est plus dur et plus pointu et étroit dans sa forme.
This could be usually, falling, off respectively, in the categories colors the schimmel and intensifier, but always that is not the case. There has okay about fluffy downy, and conversely, schimmels a good deal of intensifiers, very tighten.
The color's depth follows usually the same formula. Indeed they go the hand in the hand, it is as good as the fluffiest of the schimmels lack often color, whereas intensifiers at very compact real plumage, have a depth in the color. This is a general and the rules rule once it have been to are transgressed.
For the artifact that drill, admit 6 categories orderly plumages from the beginning of a feather liked the soft until the very hard. That the like graduating are represented in the artwork infra: soft
Hard intensifier
Soft at very soft
At very hard
Birds that fall off in the extreme categories usually 1 and 6 are difficult well matching. The bird at soft plumage (view 1) apparait usually ample, big, loud, but often, the size her body slim remainder.
The burden feathers gives distorts an impression.
The bird that has a very hard and narrow long and narrow plumage appears. He was decorating small possession also. these birds will have a lack, since at the grade level the GUY.
He is the possible shape and the feathers' character however, that hide a good shape a body. If you are fortunate, you can mate 1 with 6 and produce good youngs in feathers. But attention if you employ these ones the season breeding following, descended youngs could be being a return line the plumage their ascendants (big father - Big mom).
These write off extreme and examples is preferable of herself focus on the development a breeding plumages at similar qualities.
That goal affects, almost is filled out III once the necessity study the quality a plumage These qualities herself enroll in the genetic.
That material call all the hereditary relative factors at our canaries, only that is the shape, the color's, the presentation, etcetera, depth,,
The plumage's flawlessness will fall off usually in the categories 3 and 4, but, birds whose the quality plumage falls off in the categories 2 and 5 valent to are kept, about autant as they do not have other obvious errors.
In the categories 3 and 4, the coarseness the plumage a category 6 will be avoided as good as the sweetness a column 1. We will have a bird since whose the outline, the silhouette, the profile, will be smooth with a relative stiffness and sweetness.
The good schimmels will fall off usually in the block 3 and good the intensifiers in the category 4, but that is not and he cans always the case to have laps, imbrications, to it in them second directions. By example, a schimmel, with a hard plumage can fall off in the category 4. Consequently stringently of will the point of view the quality plumage, mate that bird be valid at schimmel, another probably the block 3 or block 2. The mate at an intensifier a block 5 or 6 will result almost by all means at hard feathers at the youngs, but he can be correct about the mate at an intensifier of his own gathers 4.
Grade well only that theory is simply relative about the quality the plumage coupled with the color. In every canary, the GUY ace criterion and the major requirement almost.
That theory in connection at the quality the plumage herself applies likewise at the colors "no cinnamon (green and white) normals,", All these colors can be divided in and intensifiers and schimmels, can also are divided in gather several of quality plumage.
If the illustrated system is employed, he is preferable at times resort at doubles or the schimmel at doubles the intensifier blocks 2 at 5, whereas employing a partner opposite color is usual.
Since years, the rule has been mating intensifier with schimmel and vice poured out, and that rule has been applied about the Greens and Cinnamons as good as yellow qu'aux.
The Whites have been processed however, newly. He exists a theory that recommends to get the good color at that the Whites, mate the White is necessary with a partner with a fewer about color possible depth. Is employed that the White is schimmel or intensifier a schimmel logically,, Indeed, alone youngs, schimmels whom half are produced, well Whites half Yellows. This results in two factors. Foremost, the feathers these youngs become a coarse actually bad, and second, when yellow) is mated normal schimmel, at a normal intensifier, the descended youngs run depth color.
Of that fact one imagined saying that a theory all the descended birds of White about their ancestresses would run color. In another words, the white had had an effect negative on the color.
My belief is the white plumage that has nothing to do with a I'autre color, it is the constant the schimmel that has dual employment creates the problem.
Frank PYE
Translates back of "Cage and Aviary Birds"