Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Moult and Color Feeding By Chris Goodall

The Moult and Colour Feeding
by Chris Goodall

After my youngsters are weaned off, they remain in the breeding cages until they are six weeks old. During this time they are fed on the food they were reared on, namely egg food and soak seed. At this time they will drink copious amounts of water and care should be taken to ensure fresh supplies are always available.
At six weeks of age they are transferred to a large aviary, where they will remain until the moult is nearly completed. At this stage the youngsters are introduced to dry food. Crushed hemp, rape and pinhead oatmeal are given in addition to the egg food and soaked seed. Canary seed is added to the diet a weak later.
It is vital during the moult to provide a diet that will assist your canaries to produce the quality of feather desired. The selective pairing of the parents will determine 3/4 of the feather quality. A balanced diet, rich in protein, to supply essential amino acids is necessary to produce the finish article. Sprouted seed, hard boiled egg and sunflower hearts are high in amino acids. Canary seed, the stable diet is more valuable at this time of the year than any other as it contains silicon in the brown coating of the seed, and enters the blood stream in small amounts to help in feather making.
Extra vitamins can be added either, as I do, by, using commercial products at the recommended dose or by giving a natural source such as dandelions or spinach. Oily seeds such as nyger, hemp, maw and linseed can be added to the diet in small quantities. These will provide the extra oil that is necessary for feather luster.
First round youngsters will start to moult at 8 to 10 weeks old, second round youngsters at a slightly younger age. The new feathers replace the old in a definite pattern, beginning along the breast and back, finishing with the neck and head.
The moulting process with the breeding birds is controlled by hormones. Because of their different hormones the cock bird will lose his sex drive and song, and generally start moulting before the hen. A few tips that will aid a successful moult are, give a bath or spray on warm days, this is most beneficial in assisting the growth and condition of new feathers. Keep birds in draught free quarters. This is a requirement throughout the year, but more so during the moult as this can stop the moulting process altogether. We say they are stuck in the moult and will be extremely unwell. If this happens try to keep the bird warm, add a pinch of Flowers of Sulphur to the soft food, and as a tonic Syrup of Buckthorn administered at the rate of one drop to the ounce (30mls) of drinking water. This should get the moult started again. Finally although the birds need plenty of fresh air and good light it is advisable to moult the birds out of direct sun. The object is to moult the birds with good even colour and we all know what the bleaching effect the sun could cause. Which brings us on to colour feeding. Norwich Canaries have been colour fed for showing since the 1880’s. At first the hot Natal pepper was used, and then it became the custom to used prepared cayenne pepper from the Capsicum plant. This method, which in my case, involved mixing four parts egg food to one part pepper with a little olive oil to infuse the pepper into the egg food. I used this until Canthaxantin took over in the early 1960’s.
I can remember the first time I saw a Norwich at a show fed with this new product. It was at Kings Lynn C.B.S., approximately in 1963 and the bird belonged to Dr. Smither of Peterborough. The birds were very patchy and a burnt rusty colour, because the colouring agent had been giving to strong and not at regular feeds. This is still seen at shows today as fanciers try to colour feed for the first time. It usually takes a couple of years to get the quantities right.
The old method of cayenne pepper can still be used today, but most breeders will be using a product sold under the brand name Carophyll Red. This is a water soluble product and can either be used in food or water. I use both methods and I will endeaver to describe the way I colour feed my birds.
Throughout the moulting season, which usually starts with the first cock bird dropping feathers about the third week in June, till the end of December for are colour fed on a three day rotating sequence. The first day they receive the Carophyll in the water. The reason I stated in the last paragraph. “I will endeavor to describe” is because it is difficult to give exact quantities as most people have a different measuring utensil. I use a 2 2-ml. spoon that comes with Vydex Products, and a level spoonful of Carophyll Red is mixed with 1.5 litres of hot, not boiling water. Most people will advise boiling water, but I find this makes the Carophyll separate and within hours sinks to the bottom.
On day two I colour feed in the food. My mixture is prepared as follows. 10 grams of Carophyll Red is mixed in a coffee grinder with 1 lb. of egg food that is used during the breeding season. The Carophyll must be mixed evenly throughout the 1 lb of egg food till its consistency is of a course powder. One part of this mixture is then added to six parts of egg food, cold water is added to make it crumbly and given at the rate of 1 teaspoonful per bird. When cold water is added to this mixture the egg food will look just the same as it did when giving to rear your youngsters. If you add warm water the egg food will be pink.
On the third day they do not receive any colouring agent at all. On this day they receive a mixture of equal parts of condition seed and pinhead oatmeal that has fish oil added to it the evening before to soak in. Each bird is given 1 heaped teaspoonful. A level teaspoon of fish oil to 1 lb of seed is recommended, to which I add the same measure of a commercial multi-vitamin and mineral product which will adhere to the oiled seed. This three day sequence continues till the birds just have the head and the neck to moult. They are then removed from the aviary and caged separately. From then until the end of the show season they are fed only colour food starting at the rate of a teaspoonful every other day, and when they have just the face to finish they only have half of a teaspoon every other day. Some breeders only do the colour feeding in the water, this is fine if the birds are moulted out in flights. I would not advise coloured water in the cages as it stains the woodwork. If you have no flights and moult out in cages, I would advise using colour food at the rate of one teaspoonful per day for two days, then miss a day. If the birds dropping are pink to red in colour this will indicate the strength of colour food is correct. This is the worst period of a fancier’s year with feathers everywhere and the birds are not at their best. I however, it is worth it when an ugly duckling turns into a prized Norwich Canary.
Happy moulting


At the beginning of the month of September molt coming to an end, at least for the youth of the first Brood, so it's time to think about a separate youth in individual breeding cage. , Some fans have left moulting birds in Aviary other prefer the cage of steals the two systems are very good a condition for suspending a cage of exposure so that young people can meet as soon as possible with the ci, young birds must be able to enter and exit freely from the cage, this is the beginning of learning to put the birds in confidence. During moulting it is essential that young people are staying in flight cage or Aviary to their allow to strengthen the muscles of the chest but also to have a good harbour wings because apart from the functions natural and normal life as "eating and drinking" is another capital "flying."
In order to evaluate the potential of each bird he'll have separate individual breeder youth to appreciate the qualities but also the defects of our future Favorites, the constant observation of each of our subjects will allow a first yard but be careful not to go too fast because a Norwich will much more time to come to full maturity compared to some small breed known as light.
I personally happened to eliminate a Norwich, subject to which I from not much credit, I therefore released flight cage but two months later it is bird was completely transformed and this bird won the gold medal at the Liège PCBs.
Suspend a cage of exposure a each of the best subject is the most on system to no longer take the bird in hand, after a certain time they feel confident and most spend even at night.
Then the always delicate moment contain them in the cage of exposure in order to move them on a shelf and it's that began the real training.
Initially, short of a few minutes periods are amply sufficient, because many birds are terribly stressed out over time periods in a cage of exhibitions become more more frequent but also more long, a good system is to reward the bird a whenever he comes on the shelf offering him a small 'bucket' of wild seeds.
Attention however do not confuse training cage and cage stay!
Lighting problem
The months d ' exposure is necessary - it yes or no give the birds artificial lighting? Sincerely I do not know the answer! Both systems have their advantages but also disadvantages and let me explain.
In my Kennel my birds receive no artificial light source and remains so much more calm (my building enjoys good natural light, but at shows they are subjected has artificial illumination powerful enough, which has the consequence of very nervous visitors, the transition being too much, is only two or three days after the housing birds begin to subside.) Alas! It's too late the judgment is complete.
One of my friends suggested me to place a suspended fluorescent tube has my shelf of drive to get young people used to artificial lighting.
This system allows me to accustom the birds that I coach without provided disturbing the rest of my breeding.
Once the molt is complete I do offer more tub has my birds I prefer to use a small spray my birds are then lightly spray and this two has three times a week, I noticed that birds like to be sprayed, I always try to spray the birds late morning so the plumage is completely dry before nightfall of the night. For the brilliance of the plumage can add a bit of (feather spray) caution do not exceed the dosser recommended by manufacturer i.e. 5 ml to 300 ml mineral water
Warning, it is better to stop spraying the birds at least 5-6 days before the judgment otherwise the plumage will not have time to sufficiently tighten especially with birds at the longer plumage.
Here it is with very great attention has a multitude of small detail that it is possible to bring his birds at the top level and make good results in the exhibitions.As a high performance athlete there it also its maximum point of form, example: a Norwich which reached its best level of form in the month of October will also look great in December what seems logical, the bird is not a machine that can expose every week to make his "little Championship.
Participate in three exhibitions on the year is more than enough for a Norwich be confront problems molting or poor results during the breeding season.
A good present Norwich has exposure in a cage in poor condition, will do that penalized the bird, it is very important to monitor the condition of these before contest period begins!
- check the condition of the storefront!
- check the fixing of the poles!
- Check if the color is perfect!
- Do not forget that for green color, there are a number of manufacturing, it is therefore not repainting the inside of their cages with anything!
Thus understood, thus practised, training becomes a routine that helps enormously to the real test that is less harsh because the bird is more or less accustomed.
Health and training are the two main advantages to bring sports fullness and the realization to the heights.

Quality of Plumage By Jos. Schifflers


At the time of I have had the National" opportunity, to converse an amateur with who asked me to compose an article on the quality the plumage.
Usually, I approach that subject with the white but that time I will try to approach the problem under different angles.
En termes généraux, il y a deux types différents de plumages, l'un est doux et généralement large et arrondi dans sa forme, l'autre est plus dur et plus pointu et étroit dans sa forme.
This could be usually, falling, off respectively, in the categories colors the schimmel and intensifier, but always that is not the case. There has okay about fluffy downy, and conversely, schimmels a good deal of intensifiers, very tighten.
The color's depth follows usually the same formula. Indeed they go the hand in the hand, it is as good as the fluffiest of the schimmels lack often color, whereas intensifiers at very compact real plumage, have a depth in the color. This is a general and the rules rule once it have been to are transgressed.
For the artifact that drill, admit 6 categories orderly plumages from the beginning of a feather liked the douce until the very hard. That the like graduating are represented in the artwork infra: soft


Hard intensifier
Soft at very soft
At very hard
Birds that fall off in the extreme categories usually 1 and 6 are difficult well matching. The bird at soft plumage (view 1) apparait usually ample, big, loud, but often, the size her body slim remainder.
The burden feathers gives distorts an impression.
The bird that has a very hard and narrow long and narrow plumage appears. He was decorating small possession also. these birds will have a lack, since at the grade level the GUY.
He is the possible shape and the feathers' character however, that hide a good shape a body. If you are fortunate, you can mate 1 with 6 and produce good youngs in feathers. But attention if you employ these ones the season breeding following, descended youngs could be being a return line the plumage their ascendants (big father - Big mom).
These write off extreme and examples is preferable of herself focus on the development a breeding plumages at similar qualities.
That goal affects, almost is filled out III once the necessity study the quality a plumage These qualities herself enroll in the genetic.
That material call all the hereditary relative factors at our canaries, only that is the shape, the color's, the presentation, etcetera, depth,,
The plumage's flawlessness will fall off usually in the categories 3 and 4, but, birds whose the quality plumage falls off in the categories 2 and 5 valent to are kept, about autant as they do not have other obvious errors.
In the categories 3 and 4, the coarseness the plumage a category 6 will be avoided as good as the sweetness a column 1. We will have a bird since whose the outline, the silhouette, the profile, will be smooth with a relative stiffness and sweetness.
The good schimmels will fall off usually in the block 3 and good the intensifiers in the category 4, but that is not and he cans always the case to have laps, imbrications, to it in them second directions. By example, a schimmel, with a hard plumage can fall off in the category 4. Consequently stringently of will the point of view the quality plumage, mate that bird be valid at schimmel, another probably the block 3 or block 2. The mate at an intensifier a block 5 or 6 will result almost by all means at hard feathers at the youngs, but he can be correct about the mate at an intensifier of his own gathers 4.
Grade well only that theory is simply relative about the quality the plumage coupled with the color. In every canary, the GUY ace criterion and the major requirement almost.
That theory in connection at the quality the plumage herself applies likewise at the colors "no cinnamon (green and white) normals,", All these colors can be divided in and intensifiers and schimmels, can also are divided in gather several of quality plumage.
If the illustrated system is employed, he is preferable at times resort at doubles or the schimmel at doubles the intensifier blocks 2 at 5, whereas employing a partner opposite color is usual.
Since years, the rule has been mating intensifier with schimmel and vice poured out, and that rule has been applied about the Greens and Cinnamons as good as yellow qu'aux.
The Whites have been processed however, newly. He exists a theory that recommends to get the good color at that the Whites, mate the White is necessary with a partner with a fewer about color possible depth. Is employed that the White is schimmel or intensifier a schimmel logically,, Indeed, alone youngs, schimmels whom half are produced, well Whites half Yellows. This results in two factors. Foremost, the feathers these youngs become a coarse actually bad, and second, when yellow) is mated normal schimmel, at a normal intensifier, the descended youngs run depth color.
Of that fact one imagined saying that a theory all the descended birds of White about their ancestresses would run color. In another words, the white had had an effect negative on the color.
My belief is the white plumage that has nothing to do with a I'autre color, it is the constant the schimmel that has dual employment creates the problem.
Frank PYE
Translates back of "Cage and Aviary Birds"


At the time of I have had the National" opportunity, to converse an amateur with who asked me to compose an article on the quality the plumage.
Usually, I approach that subject with the white but that time I will try to approach the problem under different angles.
En termes généraux, il y a deux types différents de plumages, l'un est doux et généralement large et arrondi dans sa forme, l'autre est plus dur et plus pointu et étroit dans sa forme.
This could be usually, falling, off respectively, in the categories colors the schimmel and intensifier, but always that is not the case. There has okay about fluffy downy, and conversely, schimmels a good deal of intensifiers, very tighten.
The color's depth follows usually the same formula. Indeed they go the hand in the hand, it is as good as the fluffiest of the schimmels lack often color, whereas intensifiers at very compact real plumage, have a depth in the color. This is a general and the rules rule once it have been to are transgressed.
For the artifact that drill, admit 6 categories orderly plumages from the beginning of a feather liked the douce until the very hard. That the like graduating are represented in the artwork infra: soft


Hard intensifier
Soft at very soft
At very hard
Birds that fall off in the extreme categories usually 1 and 6 are difficult well matching. The bird at soft plumage (view 1) apparait usually ample, big, loud, but often, the size her body slim remainder.
The burden feathers gives distorts an impression.
The bird that has a very hard and narrow long and narrow plumage appears. He was decorating small possession also. these birds will have a lack, since at the grade level the GUY.
He is the possible shape and the feathers' character however, that hide a good shape a body. If you are fortunate, you can mate 1 with 6 and produce good youngs in feathers. But attention if you employ these ones the season breeding following, descended youngs could be being a return line the plumage their ascendants (big father - Big mom).
These write off extreme and examples is preferable of herself focus on the development a breeding plumages at similar qualities.
That goal affects, almost is filled out III once the necessity study the quality a plumage These qualities herself enroll in the genetic.
That material call all the hereditary relative factors at our canaries, only that is the shape, the color's, the presentation, etcetera, depth,,
The plumage's flawlessness will fall off usually in the categories 3 and 4, but, birds whose the quality plumage falls off in the categories 2 and 5 valent to are kept, about autant as they do not have other obvious errors.
In the categories 3 and 4, the coarseness the plumage a category 6 will be avoided as good as the sweetness a column 1. We will have a bird since whose the outline, the silhouette, the profile, will be smooth with a relative stiffness and sweetness.
The good schimmels will fall off usually in the block 3 and good the intensifiers in the category 4, but that is not and he cans always the case to have laps, imbrications, to it in them second directions. By example, a schimmel, with a hard plumage can fall off in the category 4. Consequently stringently of will the point of view the quality plumage, mate that bird be valid at schimmel, another probably the block 3 or block 2. The mate at an intensifier a block 5 or 6 will result almost by all means at hard feathers at the youngs, but he can be correct about the mate at an intensifier of his own gathers 4.
Grade well only that theory is simply relative about the quality the plumage coupled with the color. In every canary, the GUY ace criterion and the major requirement almost.
That theory in connection at the quality the plumage herself applies likewise at the colors "no cinnamon (green and white) normals,", All these colors can be divided in and intensifiers and schimmels, can also are divided in gather several of quality plumage.
If the illustrated system is employed, he is preferable at times resort at doubles or the schimmel at doubles the intensifier blocks 2 at 5, whereas employing a partner opposite color is usual.
Since years, the rule has been mating intensifier with schimmel and vice poured out, and that rule has been applied about the Greens and Cinnamons as good as yellow qu'aux.
The Whites have been processed however, newly. He exists a theory that recommends to get the good color at that the Whites, mate the White is necessary with a partner with a fewer about color possible depth. Is employed that the White is schimmel or intensifier a schimmel logically,, Indeed, alone youngs, schimmels whom half are produced, well Whites half Yellows. This results in two factors. Foremost, the feathers these youngs become a coarse actually bad, and second, when yellow) is mated normal schimmel, at a normal intensifier, the descended youngs run depth color.
Of that fact one imagined saying that a theory all the descended birds of White about their ancestresses would run color. In another words, the white had had an effect negative on the color.
My belief is the white plumage that has nothing to do with a I'autre color, it is the constant the schimmel that has dual employment creates the problem.
Frank PYE
Translates back of "Cage and Aviary Birds"

Breeding of Norwich By Alain Nottet

Selection: It is essential that the selection of breeding stock takes place in December at the latest. The exhibition season ends, so I had time to assess the value of my future breeding.

Preparation of males: On 15 December, the males are placed in breeder. The time for clarity is 12 hours and the temperature 12 degrees.
On 30 December, I give vitamin E in water (for vitamin pigeon) to mating. From that moment, my male no longer receive pâtée, this is very important, in order not to be too bold birds.

Preparation of females: On 15 December, females are placed in cages flight (2 meters) and truss. The weather remains normal light and temperature between 5 degrees and 10 degrees (without heating), which allows me to offer them food more challenging as the pâtée, but also the seeds sprouted. A certain amount of fat is essential, what not to say that birds are to be obese!
For the continuation of artificial light, it is possible to put birds prematurely condition, one or two months earlier. The light is on hormones by the retina of the eye which themselves act on physical activity.
The second week of February is often the time when I start mating, this is when I cut the nails and feathers around the sex of birds.
Generally, I like to let the birds by couples except for my 3 or 4 best male, which I destine 2 females, which is a maximum, especially with a young male.
Throughout the breeding season, I filed a grid above my drawers that I covered with a sheet of paper to be regularly replaced.
This system allows me to receive a cage much cleaner, birds can no longer pecking at the remains of pâtée rotten. Attention, this grid will be withdrawn as soon as the young come out of the nest.
  The nests that are using clay and are perforated with small holes for good ventilation, the nest will be swinging in the cradle. The nests are Jo wooden crates painted, square-shaped (10 cm x 10cm), whose background is a mesh net and hanging from the front. In this way, the female has all the necessary space to build its nest under its own size.
The nest and cotton (Sisal) will be placed in the cage breeding with the male before introducing the female.
When the female is on its nest, it can in no way see the boom. The eggs of stone (fake) will be disinfected in water Déttol added.
Have a good humidity in the room breeding is very important. Between 70 and 80% humidity is ideal for outbreaks. But conversely, too much humidity can be dangerous for the weaning period.
When you have premises outside the house, a pilot of 8 watts at night, can save fertilized eggs and young. In the event waking inopportune, females can return to their nest without s'effrayer.
For the weaning period, I place my youth in a cage flight (no perch) and weaning is carried out solely by males.
Beware of pecking. This problem is the answer to farmers who surpeuplent their cages.

A lack of vitamins leads the pecking, especially the D and D3. Do not forget the grit, cuttlefish bones, stone pecking (preferably pink) and millet in clusters, they are very useful during weaning.

COLOR: Craindre colour is a false problem that frightens fans Norwich. It is not logical because with modern dyes, artificial coloring has become very simple. It is obvious that non-colored birds can also show their qualities.
It belongs to the amateur making his choice.
If you choose to dye:
   1) Please note in colouring as the plumage of birds too hard, you reinforce the shortcomings of plumage.
   2) You must be aware of the constraints that it causes each day to give the same amount of dye. If you go on vacation, the trainer of service will face an additional problem.
   3) During the exhibition season, we must continue to give the dye, a bird can make a "small-driven" and without any dye, new feathers repousseront yellow and your bird will bicolore.
I colour my youth when Norwich have six weeks. I think you get the best results by using a combination of intensive Bogena Carophyl and orange.
Method of preparation:
6 grams of intensive Bogena + 3 grams Carophyl orange mixed in a litre of boiled water. This water is kept chilled in the refrigerator. Mix one part of pâtée plus one share plus one share rusk dye. Make sure that the proportions remain constant to avoid an irregular coloration.
Method Jo Schifflers: last year, another method has been tried, it is a stain on drinking water only, using the same proportions indicated above. To avoid dirty cages with coloured water, I use a hamster bottles fitted with a small steel ball. The bird pushes the ball with nothing to drink splash. Young gradually and easily get used to this way of drinking. In addition, water remains to be shielded from the air and droppings.

COUPLES OF SUPPORT: For a beginner farmer, happen couples support is certainly take the risk of compromising its breeding season.
I noticed that my Norwich are more efficient to raise their young in the second round, so I automatically returns all my eggs in the first brood.
My method is to allow the female to lay her eggs then are the Lizards raising, the eggs they are hatched by females Norwich.
Establish a good foster family is very important, so I use the Lizard, very good breeder. Besides, I found that my young suffer no pecking.
But we must absolutely encourage young females to breed Norwich, otherwise, their instinct livestock could disappear.
Remember that the ultimate goal is to raise Norwich of good quality. By whom they have been bred, east of second importance.

BREEDING A HAND: Very few farmers talk about it ... and yet!
I am confident that feed the young in the nest (especially at night) can save a lot of young people, especially the first few days. To do so, I use a syringe and as food, I give "Energette" at Ravasi while Jo gives Prestige NutriBird A21 from Versele-Laga.
Alain NOTTET with the participation of Joseph SCHIFFLERS